Struggling to lose weight and keep it off?

Get 40 Positive Affirmations For

Emotional Eating

FREE - Today Only!

Start Cultivating A Positive Relationship With Food And Stopping Emotional Eating

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Hi, I am Dr.Christine,

dr christine sauer weight loss expert havening practitioner trainer emotional eating mental health stress management

Dr. Christine Sauer is a German-trained physician and naturopath with a over 40 years of experienceextensive training in holistic health and a passion for holistic health and wellness and for serving her fellow human beings.

After struggling with her weight and emotional eating, she successfully transformed her own life through a comprehensive approach (she calls it the FUSION method)

The FUSION method combines

  • Havening Techniques®,
  • Mindset Shifts,
  • Intuitive Intentional Eating (IIE), her unique
  • Gastrointestinal Restoration Protocol
  • Intuitive Intentional Movement (IIM), and
  • Caring Support
  • NEW: We are now also including our unique suite of Weight Loss, Nutrition and Mindset Support Wellness AI apps (inside our AI Wellness Universe Platform) for all paid group and individual programs.

Doc Christine has used this system to help herself - and hundreds of clients heal their relationship with food.

As a Certified Havening Techniques Practitioner® and the creator of the FUSION Method and System for Holistic Health, DocChristine now dedicates her life to helping others achieve lasting health and happiness.

Get Your NEW book...

  • To help cultivate a positive relationship with food - use the 40 Affirmations and Instructions for Self-Havening 
  • Instantly delivered to your email inbox...
  • Also receive a $300.00 Discount and over $8.000.00 in Bonuses for an easy start on your way to Food Freedom!

And today, you can also get our acclaimed 12 - week program:

"Overcoming Emotional Eating with Havening®"

  •  (Value $ 8,173) 
  • for 30% off!
  • That means you get a $ 300 Discount, no matter when you start!

Ready to take control of your

relationship with food?

Take advantage of this opportunity to start your journey towards emotional freedom today!
