Ready to Break up with Dieting

and Finally Make  Peace with Food?   

If you struggle with emotional eating, learn more about our FUSION method and how Havening Techniques® can help you to keep the pounds off for good.

Does your relationship with food feel like a tricky one? 

Maybe even negative or obsessive?  

Do you think about food all the time?  

Do you feel motivated during the day, but have zero willpower at night? 

Do you know all the macro and calorie counts of food, but still have no idea what to eat 

Do you try to keep certain foods (candy, cakes, chips, etc.) out of the house because you have no willpower around them?  

Do you find yourself feeling defeated and overwhelmed with food?   

Are you constantly trying the latest fad diet 

Are you sick of “starting over” every Monday or January 1st?  

It is possible to redesign your relationship with food...


  • Listening and trusting your body, rather than fighting it 
  • Knowing what nourishes your body
  • Decreasing stress eating 
  • No longer worrying about your weight 
  • Feeling good about your body - and treating it with kindness 
  • And finally getting off the diet roller coaster 

That would mean you would… 

  • Spend more time on the things that really matter to you  
  • Stress less about food and your body 
  • Have clarity around food choices  
  • Save money by avoiding the next diet fad and diet foods  
  • Feel more confident at work, home, and socially 
  • Enjoy exercise, instead of dreading it like a chore  
  • Feel more alive, energetic, and productive 
lasting weight loss success gut health 3 nutrients can heal your gut

Hi, I’m Dr. Christine Sauer. I am a physician, a naturopath and a survivor.  

Having struggled with emotional eating for most of my life, I am passionate about now helping others to have a healthy relationship with food and their body. 

Most of my life I struggled with my weight and my relationship with food.  I was chubby as a child and even my mom told me that I looked fat. 

So I would constantly berate myself because I wasn’t happy with how I looked and how I felt.   

I just wanted to feel confident and good in my body.  So I tried diet after diet - I was constantly looking for the next “food plan” or “healthy lifestyle” to make me feel better about myself.   

From weight watchers meetings to eating more vegetables to eating low fat to trying this and that, nothing really worked.    

None of them were sustainable. I felt defeated and like a failure. After I had two slipped disks and suffered chronic back pain and had to give up my flourishing practice in Germany, I even fell into a bad depression. The medications I received and the increased emotional eating made my weight spiral completely out of control. At my highest, in 2005, I weighed over 325 lbs at 5’9”. 

That’s when I decided that there HAD to be a better way...   

After years of “starting over” every Monday morning, made a decision to change my life and searched for a new waySince I was so morbidly obese, I decided on starting with surgery. It worked and I lost 150 lbs in the next year and 6 months. But as many of you may know, the struggle starts when you try to keep the lost weight off. 

And that’s when I discovered an entirely new approach to eating and health called Intuitive Eating. I combined it for myself with other modalities like the ones I describe in my “Finally Thin Forever” Course, and especially with Havening Techniques®,  and I still do that for those clients who have complex health issues and who elect to work with me individually. 

But when I worked with clients,  I discovered that for many, just resolving the ONE most crucial hurdle to lasting weight loss, emotional eating, was often enough. 

Havening led me to some pretty incredible results…

I learned how to eat and take care of myself in ways that felt good, not like a punishment.  

I felt a new freedom and confidence with food and my body. 

I was no longer obsessing and counting food.  

I even felt confident and relaxed around food.  

Then I started working with my clients with this non-diet approach. . . 

They experienced the same peace with food, feeling satisfied & enjoying the food they ate.   

Here’s what I know…

By the time a woman reaches her 45th birthday, it is estimated that she has tried 61 diets, food plans, programs, lifestyle changes, detoxes, and cleanses.  

Diets have a 98% failure rate. Research shows that while diets may result in immediate weight loss, there is no (or hardly any) sustained weight loss after 3-5 years with any diet plan.  

The number one predictor of weight gain is dieting.  

Diets cause slowed metabolism, weight gain and even eating disorders.  

You are not a failure, the diets were the failure all along. 

I used to constantly search for the secret hack that I thought everyone else knew. It makes perfect sense that I was always searching for a smaller body and “perfect food plan” because this was what I was taught since I was a little girl.  

When I stopped focusing on losing weight, I finally was able to create a whole new relationship with food.  

I had a whole new outlook on my health, food and body image. And now I want to help you experience this.  


FUSION - Making Peace With Your Plate

overcome emotional eating with Havening - fusion-making peace with your plate-make peace with your plate-self-love

Making Peace with Your Plate is based on the principles of Intuitive Eating

 ...the most effective, research-based way for you to create a healthy relationship with food and finally get off the diet roller coaster!  

Intuitive Eaters have higher self-esteem, life satisfaction, and body appreciation, along with greater motivation to move and exercise. They also have less emotional eating, fewer binge eating episodes, and lower blood pressure. 

And combined with Havening Techniques, preliminary scientific evidence  shows that it is the most effective method to keep the extra weight off long-term.

The principles of Intuitive Eating - combined with Self-Havening - allow you to reestablish trust with yourself and create a healthy relationship with food and your body.   

You don’t need to count every macro, calorie or point that you eat every single meal for the rest of your life. 

You can have a relationship with food that feels free and light -  without overthinking!  

In this program, I will guide you through a process that allows you to accomplish all of this!   

End the dieting cycle and start a long-lasting transformation - you deserve this! 

This program is for you if you find yourself saying:

  • I’m so sick of starting new diets or food plans over and over again  
  • I feel like a failure with food. Nothing works for me and everyone else seems to know the answers 
  • I’m exhausted and frustrated. I just don’t know how to eat anymore   
  • I’m tired of thinking about food all day long  
  • I’m so motivated during the day, but no matter what I do, I have zero willpower at night  
  • I go to bed feeling shame most nights - after eating non-stop while watching TV   
  • I just don’t have the motivation to start another food plan or lifestyle change  
  • I can’t keep any candy (or other favorite food) in the house, I have no willpower 
  • The only thing that works for me are strict rules about food (but I can’t stick with them for more than a month or two) 

Over 14 weeks, I will lead you through a powerful process that will help you finally make peace with food...

I know what you’re thinking…   

How is this different from all the other diets/ plans and programs out there? 

In this program you will: 

  • Start to break the cycle of dieting so you can trust yourself with food.
  • Identify root causes of any emotional eating you may experience, so you can reduce stress and emotional eating (without relying on willpower). 
  • Learn Self-Havening®, a gentle method to reduce stress and change negative mindset and beliefs towards food, your body and eating. 
  • Rediscover the pleasure and satisfaction of food again - because food is meant to be enjoyed. 
  • Learn what foods satiate you and sustain your energy levels throughout the day, so you feel more alive and can enjoy your life fully. 
  • Stop counting calories and start eating with ease and freedom. 
  • Begin to make peace with food and your body, finally, so you can experience greater joy and fulfillment with food and in your life.
  • Start to heal your relationship with food, so that you can focus on what’s truly important to you. 

Join this program if you want to transform your relationship with food and your body! 

In this program, I will take you step-by-step through a powerful process so you can say goodbye to dieting, remove the guilt and shame from foods so you can enjoy them again and have a plan for creating healthy daily habits without the punishment of diet culture.   

Hurry! The Fall Program is Starting Soon!

Space in our small groups is limited. Sign up now before we need to close enrollment!


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What’s Included in the program? 

  1. 1
    12 Live Group Coaching Calls ($ 2,500.00 Value) - with recordings provided
  2. 2
    Daily Support in our Private Soulful Weight Loss Community ($ 297.00 Value) 
  3. 3
    Client Guidebook ($ 197.00 Value)
  4. 4
    Daily Coaching Emails ($ 297.00 Value)  
  5. 5
    Client Journal ($ 97.00 Value) 
  6. 6
    Suggested Daily Routine ($ 97.00 Value)
  7. 7
    Over 30 Delicious Recipes created by a Professional Chef ($ 297.00 Value) 
  8. 8
    Kitchen and Food Prep Tips Guide ($ 97.00 Value)
  9. 9
    Lifetime Access to the "Overcoming Emotional Eating with Havening" Course ($ 997.00 Value) 
  10. 10
    BONUS #1: Lifetime Access to the 7-Day "Finally Thin Forever" Challenge Course ($ 497.00 Value) 
  11. 11
    BONUS #2:  Havening Techniques Masterclass Workshop (55 min) with Dr. Christine Sauer to Calm Stress, Worries & Anxiety Fast & Enter a Haven of Peace, Hope & Positivity - whenever You Need it Most.  This Workshop will dive deep into techniques to "mine the diamonds within you" and create Greater Resilience ($ 500,00 Value)
  12. 12
    BONUS #3: 3 Individual Coaching Sessions ($ 1,500.00 Value) - to help you solve individual roadblocks
  13. 13
    BONUS #4: Access to an Exclusive App for Resources and Community Interaction ($ 500.00 Value)
  14. 14
    BONUS #5: Post-Program Alumni Support Group with Monthly Check-Ins ($ 300.00 Value)

Are you ready to transform your relationship with food? 

Total Value:

$ 8,173.00

Your Price Today ONLY...

12 Week FUSION "Making Peace With Your Plate" Program

 Holistic Program for Overcoming Emotional Eating with Havening Techniques


Pay Conveniently in 3 monthly installments

  • Start today
  • Experience the group meetings
  • Pay conveniently in 3 monthly installments - no hassle



Pay Once and Save (Best Option)

Pay once - save $$$



Private Program

Ideal for time-strapped professionals Ultimate privacy and personalization

  • All Meetings are individual Meetings (1:1) with Dr. Christine
  • Full Access to Group Meetings
  • Personalized for Your Individual needs
  • Flexible Session Timing including Weekend Options
  • Additional Options Available

Starting at...






100% Happiness Guarantee

I have held nothing back in creating this program for you. I want you to live a life free from diet culture, obsessive counting and feeling defeated with food, so I’m giving you all the tools and support you need to start your path to making peace with your plate. 

You can try the program risk-free for 14 days. If you're not satisfied, we offer a partial refund within this period, and because I want you to experience the amazing results possible in this program, after this period, after that period no more refunds are possible. 

I have created this policy so that we are both accountable for your success.

I am here to support you every step of the way! 

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on headline to open toggle...

Will I lose weight on this program? 

Here’s my honest answer… 
Yes. No. Maybe...

The desire to lose weight is totally normal, that’s what we have been taught- thin equals healthy/good/valuable. Weight loss isn’t bad, but it can get in the way of healing your relationship with food. 

I will invite you to spend 2 weeks focusing on establishing a healthy relationship with food, instead of weight loss. Just to try it out and see how it affects your relationship with food.  

By the time women are 45 years old, statistics show that they have tried at least 61 different diets and food plans. As a result, the dieting industry is a 71-billion-dollar industry that has women doubting themselves and their bodies. 

After a lifetime of trying to shrink your body, don’t you think it will be a welcome relief to spend two weeks focused on healing your relationship with food and your body? 

In this program, some people lose weight, some gain weight. Both of those results may be healthy for each body.  

This is a weight-neutral program, weight loss is not the focus. Remember that thin does not equal health. Health is defined by each individual. Health is evident in different shapes and sizes of bodies. 

Applying a weight-neutral approach to your life is freeing. It allows you to focus on healthy behaviors in your control. It’s a powerful shift.  

What Exactly Is A Non-diet/ Intuitive Eating Approach?

Instead of focusing on weight loss, in this program, we will focus on health behaviors and the thoughts and emotions behind them.
We will begin to unpack the Restrict-Rebel-Guilt cycle of chronic dieting that so many people are stuck in.

Along with health behaviors, we will address the root causes of emotional eating patterns.
The program is grounded in the principles of Intuitive Eating which are research and science-based.
I believe that all bodies are good bodies.
The pursuit of weight loss is more damaging mentally and physically to the body. 

Are the recipes vegan, vegetarian, or paleo? 

The recipes do not follow a directive nutrition plan that eliminates whole food groups. In case you are wondering, there are plenty of vegan and vegetarian options. 

Instead of eliminating food groups, we will work to grow your inner attunement to hunger, fullness, and satisfaction cues, along with rejecting the diet mentality with food.

We will practice perceiving all foods as neutral, rather than good and bad foods. This is one of the critical mindset shifts to ending emotional and binge eating, along with anxiety around food. 

Will you tell me what to eat? 

No, not in the typical diet sense. I believe in body autonomy. This process is about you trusting your own body rather than looking towards external rules. An important part of detaching from diet culture is learning what works for your body. I will guide you through a process to learn more about how you feel when you eat different foods and what best supports your body. We will focus on including foods that will satiate you, give you energy throughout the day, and support your mood.  

Is this the same as mindful eating? 

No, mindful eating is an important tool used in Intuitive Eating (and this program), but we will go much deeper. 
We will dismantle diet culture so you’re able to understand how it has impacted how you think and feel about food. This is the often missing piece to healing your relationship with food.  

In this program you will: 

  • Start to break the cycle of dieting so you can trust yourself with food.  
  • Identify root causes of any emotional eating you may experience, so you can reduce stress and emotional eating (without relying on willpower). 
  • Rediscover the pleasure and satisfaction of food again - because food is meant to be enjoyed. 
  • Learn what foods satiate you and sustain your energy levels throughout the day, so you feel more alive to enjoy your life fully. 
  • Stop counting calories and start eating with ease and freedom. 
  • Begin to make peace with food and your body, finally, so you can experience greater joy and fulfillment with food and in your life. 
  • Start to heal your relationship with food, so that you can focus on what’s truly important to you. 

How much time will this program take each day/week? 

There are 5 live coaching calls that will last about 60 minutes. You can always watch the replays, if the times don’t match your schedule.  

The daily assignments will take 10-30 minutes a day, depending on how much time you want to put into it. Many of the assignments don’t take any extra time - they are simply inviting you into greater awareness and mindfulness around food, eating, emotions, and your relationship with your body - so you can shift them.  

What makes this program different from other diets like Noom, Whole 30, Paleo or others? 

Noom, Paleo, Whole30 and others all have elements of restriction - where certain foods are forbidden and villainized or where the goal is to restrict calories. 
This is the “old” way of approaching health and wellness.  
I created this program because the old ways of “good” and “bad” foods and restrictions were not working for my clients. It only created a more stressful relationship with food.    
I knew my clients needed a different approach, and I’m guessing you’re probably looking for a plan that offers a fresh path. 
This program is based on an innovative, highly-effective, evidence-based approach that allows you to experience more peace, joy, and fulfillment with food and in your life.  
This is a unique departure from what’s been traditionally offered in health and wellness.  
This program is based on the principles of Intuitive Eating, where all foods fit. There are no food rules to follow. 
This program allows you to prioritize your physical health, along with emotional and mental health. - which allows you to experience an easeful relationship with food and your body.  

I’ve read a book on Intuitive Eating, but I’m still confused. Will I benefit from this program? 

Yes, it’s great that you already have a start, let’s build on it!
love when my clients have read about Intuitive Eating (but it’s not required!)
There’s so much power in practicing a non-diet approach to food with a coach (that’s me!) to support you - along with a like-minded community.  

Ditching dieting can feel isolated at times, like you are the only one in the world on this journey.

I hope you will join us for community, connection and deepening of your Intuitive Eating practice!  

What if I’m not available for the live calls? 

While I encourage you to participate on the live calls as much as you are able, recordings will be available, so you can listen on your own schedule. 

I’m not sure if I’m ready to let go of dieting (or losing weight) yet. Is this program for me? 

You don’t have to be ready, just open minded to a new approach.  
It’s totally normal that you may feel a sense of safety and security in the world of dieting. All of us have been raised in a diet culture and thin ideal obsessed society, so it’s only normal that dieting feels comforting to you.  
One of the first things we will work on in this program is uncovering the lies you’ve been taught by diet culture. 
Thinking you need to have the perfect body or have food all figured out to start this process is one of the many lies of diet culture. 
I hope you will put your trust in yourself to start this healing process. I will be honored to guide you.

I really need this program - but I feel I can't afford it. Do you have other options?

Thanks for letting us know. We don't judge people.
We understand hardships and created a scholarship program just for you.
Please book a free call with us so we can find a solution that will work for you.
We do not want anyone who is really motivated feel left behind due to their financial circumstances.
Please click here and book a free call with Dr. Christine so we can help find the right solution for you.

I live in Canada - are there options specific for Canadians?

Dr. Christine Sauer lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and that is where our Company headquarter is located.

We have a special heart for our fellow Canadians and understand the special challenges you may face.

Please book a free call with us so we can find a solution that will work for you.
Please click here and book a free call with Dr. Christine so we can help find the right solution for you.
I hope you will put your trust in yourself to start your healing process. I will be honored to guide you.
"Yes, you really can Lose Weight by switching on your gut-brain connection and re-establish mental health..."

About Dr. Christine 

Dr. Christine Sauer is a German-trained Medical Doctor and a Naturopath, as well as a Gastrointestinal Disease Specialist and a Certified Brain and Mental Health Coach, helping people across the world re-establish their gut-brain connection and restoring their mental health and brain health while losing weight.

After an episode of severe back pain, followed by depression, she nearly lost her own life and brain power to despair and psychiatric medications.

She dedicated her life and over 40 years of experience to exploring and improving the deep connection between our gut and brain and the root causes for weight loss and mental health issues in 5 dimensions. 

She is a #1 bestselling author, radio and podcast host and has appeared as guest speaker on summits, videos and in her own events.

Until now, there has been virtually no useful advice on how to lose weight - and heal your gut, your brain and your mind. Finally, for the first time, you can get real professional advice that actually works – from a trained physician and naturopath – who can see things from a caring, personal perspective.

If you've been searching for a solution to your expanding gut and shrinking brain power without success, this masterclass is about to change that for you...


If you have any questions or concerns about the program let's chat! 

Email us at [email protected]

Medical Disclaimer: This Program will provide general educational information and motivation. For individual medical, psychological or health advice please see your individual licensed healthcare provider. Please also see our full disclaimer and privacy policy below. 

Hurry! The Fall Program is Starting Soon!

Space in our small groups is limited. Sign up now before we need to close enrollment!


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